The Cycling Strategy to be functional and effective, it must be implemented at three levels, the national, regional and municipal ones, in collaboration with the private and voluntary sectors. Ministry of Transport (the bicycle transport department) is the main guarantor for the implementation of the Cycling Strategy, while the Ministry for Regional Development is the sub-guarantor (cyclotourism department). The other ministries participate in the implementation in a rather symbolical way (for example. Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Health).
Individual regions are other key players, though the Cycling Strategy recommends them just common systematic steps.
However, the key success of the Cycling Strategy is to cooperate with local authorities, since the municipalities are responsible for the cycling infrastructure.
Therefore, the Cycling Strategy calls upon the cities to move from passive adaptation to the increasing traffic to the active purposeful transport policy.
This nationwide network – Cities for Cyclists Association – is beeing established in these days. It aims to implement the steps jointly, leading to meet the objectives of the Cycling Strategy.
The economic crisis, lack of funds – the key words of today´s society, attacking us from all sides. But the truth is that the funds have been and will be in the world, therefore, the question should be a little different:
Implementation of legislative measures to protect the safety and smoothness of cycling:
Marketing, informational and publishing tools are the fourth most important factor in realizing the objectives of the Cycling Strategy. These tools are defined in the Communication Plan of the Cycling Strategy (Goal 2.3 – Measure 1 and Appendix 3). The Communication Plan aims to reach various target groups that have the power to influence people´s viewing of the bicycle so that it was again approached as a functional, practical and useful tool designed for active urban mobility and become an integral part of the lifestyle of all population groups. The target groups include decision makers, politicians, officials, planners, policemen, urban planners, representatives of NGOs, bicycle industry, media and active citizens. The main activities of the Communication Plan may include networking among target groups, incl. the exchange of experience and know-how, implementation of thematic workshops, seminars and conferences, or the implementation of joint marketing projects to promote cycling.