Participation is FREE, if you are interested, there‘s an offer to buy a PREMIUM ACCOUNT.
By completing the registration you accept the rules of the Challenge and the privacy policy (GDPR).
By registering for the Challenge, a participant's personal profile ("My Profile") is created on the Challenge website, where you can edit your personal data ("Manage Account") or create and manage a team ("Manage Team") if you have a premium account. Starting a team creates a "My Team" tab where each team member can keep track of everything they need. Only the founder of the team, the "Captain", can edit the team and add new members.
A participant can only participate under one personal profile. Duplicate profiles are not allowed in the Challenge and will be deleted.
The data required to participate in the Challenge (name or nickname, e-mail, municipality, gender, height, weight, year of birth, etc.) can only be edited up to the moment of uploading the first activity.
The contact and height, weight and year of birth information provided are non-public and are only used to evaluate the results and to put the organisers in contact with the participants.
You can delete your registration (personal account) in the "Account Management" at the time when registration for the Challenge is open.
Each potential participant is required to assess his/her health and decide whether he/she is able to participate in the Challenge. If you are unsure, we recommend consulting a doctor.
Participation in the challenge is at your own risk and the Challenge organiser is not liable for any personal injury or other damages. The start, finish and time of each activity is determined by the participant according to his/her own abilities, possibilities and health condition.
A registered participant can upload any number of activities (walking, running, Nordic walking) that are performed by the participant during the Challenge period (see previous point).
An activity can be uploaded to the Challenge up to three days after it has been performed. The upload of activities will be closed three days after the Challenge closes. Thereafter, an evaluation will take place and the system will be closed to participants without exception.
An activity can be a one-off or a full day. There is no limit to the number of one-off activities per day. But beware that activities cannot overlap within a day and the same activity cannot be recorded twice (e.g. once as a full day and once as a one-off).
Any mobile app and smartwatch that record all-day and one-time activity using GPS are allowed to record your activities. It is also possible to use a pedometer or an app that measures the distance covered using tremor/motion detection. We recommend using the 10,000 Steps Challenge app to record.
The participants record their activities primarily in km, which are then automatically converted to meters and steps. If necessary, it is also possible to record activity in steps or meters. These values will then be automatically converted to the other two quantities. More about uploading activity here.
Your step length is based on the height you have entered in your personal profile. Your step length is calculated using the formula body height * 0.42 cm.
To give you an idea, the calculations roughly correspond to the following table:
After logging into your profile, you can upload an activity using the "Insert activity" function in the following ways:
1) Fill in the appropriate fields with the distance walked and upload one picture/photo/print screen of the activity as proof, showing the number of kilometres, date and ideally the route and your name. (This will be non-public. Only the organisers will be able to view it for the purpose of verifying the authenticity of the records.)
2) Upload your activity in GPX format and the rest of the information will fill in there for you.
You can either view or delete the activity in your profile after uploading.
Participants at the age 65+ have simplified options for uploading activities.
Even though the recordings are randomly checked by the organisers, the fair play behaviour of the participants is what the organisers do rely upon. The important thing is not to win, but to do something for our health. Those who cheat are cheating themselves first and foremost.
The Partnership for Urban Mobility, as the organiser of the Challenge, reserves the right to delete any recorded activity or exclude a participant from the Challenge in the event of irregularities.
During the Challenge, you will be regularly informed by e-newsletters sent to the email you filled in when you registered. If this does not happen, please check HERE to see why you do not receive them.
As a Challenge participant, you can...
For each kilometer (km) logged, the Challenge participant receives a certain number of points according to the following formula:Age is calculated from the year of birth you enter when registering. The number is automatically rounded up, so it is calculated with the age in the current year regardless of the month of birth.
For example: the Challenge takes place in April 2022. You were born on 3 November 1989. We will therefore multiply your kilometres by 0.4 (33/80), even though you are not yet 33 years old in the month of the Challenge (April).
The BMI coefficient is based on your BMI value, calculated as follows:If your BMI is less than 25 (i.e. you are in the normal range), your coefficient BMI = 0.
If your BMI is 25 or more, your coefficient increases linearly according to the formula (BMI-25)*0.04+0.2, which means that if your BMI is 25 (i.e. the overweight limit), your coefficient is 0.2.
For young and children, the calculation of BMI is different. The BMI table for participants under the age of 18 is shown HERE
First 10,000 steps within one day: + 1 point
For regular activities:
If you record an activity (running, walking, NW) every day in the first three days: + 4 points.
In the following seven-day periods, you will get + 7 points for each period in which you record any of the above activities on at least six of the seven days.
Team competition
Team scoring
The number of points of the team = the sum of all the points of all its members
"A chain is only as strong as its weakest link."
The number of team points = the number of points of the „weaker“ (who walks/runs less) of the two members on the given day + bonus points of the „stronger“ (who walks/runs more) one (i.e. for 10,000 steps and regularity, see individual scoring)
Don't forget to fill in all the necessary information correctly in your account management. This will no longer be possible after the first activity has been uploaded into the system.
Check that you are receiving regular newsletters with up-to-date information about the Challenge, that they are not falling into spam or bulk mail where they are difficult to find. The Challenge is not any officially organized activity. It is about a friendly and relaxing stay in nature and in a city based on individual decisions.
If necessary, contact us at
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